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Turns to alcohol

Small recap. Since my TBI I have reacted to my sadness by eating food. The tasty stuff - chocolate, ice cream, burgers. Unsurprisingly I put on loads of weight, leading to a gastric sleeve operation.

I lost weight quite quickly as I feel more full, more quickly, so stop ramming it in so much.

But that sadness was still there, how could I obliterate that feeling? It feels heavy and horrible and hopeless.

I would go to the kitchen - get out my tumbler - open the bottle - pour - sit down in my chair - put something good on the tv - take a wee sip.

Yes I was consistently drinking more than I should per week, though not by huge amounts. But I could see that I was replacing one compulsion with another. Neither of which was addressing the actual problem.

So I've been to my doctor and been referred to get some help. Which is helping. But the bottom line is that I have to find a way of facing and dealing with the underlying issue I now have in my life :

I had a TBI

It changed my life

Become comfortable with the new me

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