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Talking to myself...

I've said it before on here but I'll say it again - I talk to myself. A lot more than I used to before my TBI.

I know when I'm watching telly, that when it comes to game shows I say the answer to the questions outloud. I'm sure my husband and probably my boy think to themselves "there she goes" as a person gets a minute full of questions on The Chase!

It makes me think back to when I was relearning to drive a few years ago, when my licence had been taken away after my TBI. I remember my driving instructor saying how he loves how I talked outloud to mnyself when performing manouvres in the vehicle

"the lights are turning green,

reach a bite,

hand brake off,

off I go...

turning right,

indicator on,

slow down,

down from three to two,


He said that it made things easier for him as he knew exactly what I was thinking and doing - and he could correct or add things to it!

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