Just to let you all know - all the posts before this have been restored, but they're in the wrong order. I've tried hard to change that but don't seem to be possible...
...I don't think I've talked about this on this page before. It's called HealthUnlocked. I hadn't heard of it before, but it's a forum for people to talk to online who share diseases or disabilities.
I remember hearing about it and thinking yeah, yeah, whatever. It didn't feel as though it was going to be very useful to me.
Let's fast forward a few years, where I've been trying so hard to fit back into my life, become independent again, getting help with outstanding effects of my brain injury.
I don't remember the specific problem, but I recall feeling lower and lower and lower. Followed by that feeling of that's it, nobody gets it. Nobody can relate to how it feels for your life to suddenly change to something different that you can't do anything about. Then I had a sudden thought. What's that forum thing called that means you can talk to other people who've had a brain injury?
I found it, registered, and without much hope, made a post. Then I didn't think about the forum any more and went back to my sadness.
But suddenly there was a reply to my post. And another. And another. They were from people who got it and when I say that, I mean GOT IT.
It helped.A lot.Thank goodness there are people in this world - albeit few - that can relate to me.